#15: How to Stand in your Confidence as a Parent with Myla Leinweber

how to stand in your confidence as a parent

In this episode, I’m interviewing Parent Coach Myla Leinweber! She has a Masters of Education, is a PCI Certified Parent Coach, and just recently launched The Joyful Parenting Collective! If you have a parenting-related worry – she’s got your back! We are speaking today about “standing in your confidence as a parent”. Now, what the heck is that? I have never met a parent that is truly confident 100% of the time – have you? We all worry, stress, and second-guess – but Myla is here with all the tips on how to decrease that, while increasing joy. Sound impossible? It’s not, I promise you!

You can learn how to be your child’s safety net… handle their big emotions, without losing control of yours… be empathetic and understanding. You can be confident. If you want to learn how to do this, listen in because this stuff is GOLD! Any parenting issue that comes up is much easier to address if you are confident in your role as their parent. I think you know this, but what you may not know is how to get there. That’s where Myla comes in.

If you get value from this episode please subscribe, rate, and review it at Apple Podcasts. AND – please share this with a fellow parent! Chances are they’re feeling similar to you, but don’t know what to do – help them out.

Additional Resources:

If you connect with Myla the way that I do, go and check out her new membership program. The Joyful Parenting Collective is ALL about bringing joy into the parenting experience. That is possible! You can feel confident, know how to respond, take care of yourself, AND enjoy this parenting journey – it doesn’t have to be a trade-off. Find out how to get on her waitlist, here >> https://parentcoaching.kartra.com/page/Uyz17

Do you feel like you need to bring some confidence to the table at mealtimes? That’s where I come in! Toddlers are full of big emotions, and those often appear at mealtimes – particularly when they don’t feel like eating. Or stopping their game. Or when they don’t approve of the menu. Or because it’s Tuesday. Whatever the reason is that your toddler is just not having it, I can teach you what to do. Check out my Feeding Toddlers online course for more! (https://mylittleeater.fixed-staging.co.uk/feeding-toddlers/)

And, if you are the parent of a toddler, chances are you have experienced your fair share of tantrums! Take a look at Myla’s tantrum script that she references on the episode – It. Is. Amazing. Grab your copy, print it out, put it on the fridge – whatever works! Keep it close so you can have it available the next time your toddler needs some help with those big emotions. (https://parentcoaching.kartra.com/page/MrT49)

Myla’s Bio:

Myla Leinweber is a PCI Certified Parent Coach and Parent Educator, former kindergarten teacher with a B.Ed and M.Ed, and most importantly, a mama of two young girls. She strives to help parents find more ease, confidence, and joy in parenting. 

She is originally from Tofino, BC, a small town on the west coast of Vancouver Island, and currently lives in another small town in the mountains, with her husband and two daughters, where they joyfully ski, mountain bike, and hike.

Skip To…

Welcome Myla! (1:51)

What does “stand in your confidence” mean? (5:03)

Practical Tips (7:48)

How does confidence sound? (16:33)

How to be confident even when you’re scared (22:52)


meet edwena

Registered pediatric dietitian, mom of two and lover of all things related to baby and toddler feeding!


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