#30: How to Minimize Mess with Baby Led Weaning

In this episode, I’m tackling one of the biggest concerns most parents and caregivers have about baby led weaning… THE MESS! There’s no doubt about it, baby led weaning is messy! Food on the floor, the baby, the table, and maybe even the walls! It’s no wonder parents often ask me how they can fit in all the meals their baby needs. Because between meal prep, actual eating time, and clean up, you may feel like you’re rushing from cooking to eating to cleaning to napping, and then just repeating it all over again. It can certainly make for a long day.

That’s why I’m sharing with you my top 5 tips, and maybe even a bonus one, on how to minimize the mess that comes along with baby led weaning. We don’t want to eliminate it completely because, believe it or not, the mess serves an important purpose. But, I can absolutely understand wanting to reign it in a little bit – no one has time for a deep clean, or bath, after every meal!

As always, please remember to subscribe to the podcast, give it a 5 star rating and review at Apple Podcasts, and please share this with your friends! I can’t think of anyone that wouldn’t want a few tips on managing the mess of feeding their baby, but I can think of a lot more fun things to do then scrub sauce stains out of your carpet!

Additional Resources:

If you listen to today’s episode and think “That’s great, but how do I actually get them to touch the food in order to make a mess? Or how do I even serve these foods to begin with?” Then you need my Baby Led Feeding course! I’ll take you step by step through every aspect of learning to feed your baby, so you can feel confident knowing how and what to feed them. Enroll today! (https://mylittleeater.fixed-staging.co.uk/baby-led-feeding/)

If the mess you notice with your baby is mostly coming from them throwing the food onto the floor, make sure you listen to Episode 10, I’ll link that here: https://mylittleeater.fixed-staging.co.uk/10-simple-tips-to-eliminate-food-throwing-for-good/

Finally, want to grab yourself a Bibado bib to help contain the mess? Use my link to purchase >> https://bibado.co.uk/?rfsn=4537355.9498c4 AND my code MYLITTLEEATER to get 10% off your purchase, or MLEBOGO to buy one get one 50% off!

Skip To…

Why messy eating is important (1:23)

Top tips (3:22)

Does messy eating delay table manner development? (11:46)

*Please note that I do receive a small commission from any products purchased from the links in this post. But, this comes to no additional cost to you, and I will only ever link items that I FULLY support and stand behind! These small commissions help me keep my website alive and kicking so I can continue to provide you with valuable feeding info. ?


meet edwena

Registered pediatric dietitian, mom of two and lover of all things related to baby and toddler feeding!


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Baby led weaning...but make it purees!

Get our proven, step-by-step plan for transitioning your baby from Purees to Finger Foods, texture by texture, so you can ease your fears about choking and gagging, all while helping your little eater develop their eating skills and an adventurous appetite.

Plus get The Texture Timeline™ Starter Guide for free when you stay until the end of the workshop. This tool breaks down the 4 phases, what kinds of foods to safely feed your baby during each phase, and when to progress to the next phase.