
Affiliate Marketing:

Posts on our website may contain links to affiliate programs that My Little Eater™ is a part of. These links will take you directly to other webpages for purchases. If you choose to purchase a product through one of these affiliate links, My Little Eater™ receives a small commission from that purchase. This comes at no additional cost to you, and we assure you that we never link products that we don’t truly believe in, or that we wouldn’t use ourselves. This just allows us to continue to provide you with the content that you need and love from us.

Sponsored Content:

In some cases, the content that you’re reading on the My Little Eater™ website will have been sponsored by another company. When this happens, we will note at the top of that article that the post is a sponsored post and the company that has sponsored the content. Although this means that a company has chosen to sponsor the content, it does not mean that the company created, or influenced the content within that article. All content on the website is approved by the owner and pediatric dietitian behind My Little Eater™, Edwena Kennedy. This simply means that there will be some information pertaining to the company throughout the article, and that the article may include affiliate links to that company.

Please contact info@mylittleeater.fixed-staging.co.uk if you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy.