#67: How to serve peanuts to babies and toddlers

Episode art for episode: "#67: How to serve peanuts to babies and toddlers". Pictured is peanut butter and some whole peanuts.

In this episode, I’m continuing on with my “How to serve…” series, and today I’m talking all about peanuts! This is a food that many parents feel a lot of hesitation about, due to the fact that it’s the top allergen for children in North America. This fact can cause a lot of anxiety for parents, which may result in them delaying the introduction of peanuts, but the newest research tells us we need to introduce them early and often to decrease the chance of an allergy developing. So my goal is to give you all the details on how to do this safely to help relieve some of that anxiety!

Now, most of you will know that I believe the right time for starting solids is when your baby is showing all the developmental signs of readiness. This is typically around 6 months of age, maybe a week or two earlier or later, depending on the child. But, with peanuts, in some cases an allergist may ask you to introduce them even earlier, even around 4 months of age, if there’s a family history of allergy as this may help decrease the chance of an allergy even further. So today, I’ll share how to do this safely from 4 months of age, and then also chat about serving them all the way up to older than 2 years of age. I’ll also be explaining how this all fits into my signature Texture Timeline™ tool for advancing in textures.

So, take a minute and download this episode so you can listen to it when you have a spare 15 minutes, because it’s a must listen for ALL parents! As always, if you get value from this episode, please rate and review it at Apple Podcasts

Additional Resources:

If you want to learn all my best tips for how to safely serve all foods from the very beginning so that you confidently move through each phase of feeding your baby to prevent picky eating, the Baby Led Feeding course is for you!

BABY LED FEEDING ONLINE COURSE: https://mylittleeater.fixed-staging.co.uk/baby-led-feeding/

TEXTURE TIMELINE™ CHALLENGE: https://courses.mylittleeater.fixed-staging.co.uk/texturetimelinechallenge

MORE ON INTRODUCING PEANUTS & TREE NUTS: https://mylittleeater.fixed-staging.co.uk/introducingpeanutsandtreenuts/

SERVING PEANUTS SAFELY: https://mylittleeater.fixed-staging.co.uk/peanuts

Skip To…

Facts and nutrition on peanuts (2:27)

How to serve peanuts: 4 – 6 months old (6:07)

How to serve peanuts: 6 months – 2 years old (9:30)

How to serve peanuts: 2 years old and up (13:20)


meet edwena

Registered pediatric dietitian, mom of two and lover of all things related to baby and toddler feeding!


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