Baby-Led Weaning (But Make It Purees!)

How to safely and gradually transition your baby from Purees to Finger Foods without the fear at your — and your baby’s — own pace.

It's free


For parents who want to ease

into starting solids

Whether you’re just starting solids, feeling “stuck” in the puree stage, or you’re terrified to move on to more advanced textures and finger foods, this free workshop is for you. I’ll show you my step-by-step process and timeline for how to go from easiest >> to more advanced textures gradually – without anxiety!

During this workshop,

you'll learn about:

3 common myths about starting solids that could be preventing you from moving onto more advanced textures

The Texture Timeline™ – our proven, signature method for gradually and safely moving your baby beyond purees and into finger foods at your own pace

The science behind  gagging/choking/coughing (and why gagging is actually a GOOD thing)

5 tips to set up a safe feeding environment for your baby during mealtime (including one super important thing to watch for to help reduce the risk of choking)

3 simple tips to help your baby stop taking such big bites, because we know seeing your baby overstuff their mouths can be stressful! 

Plus…a Q&A with me to get answers to all of your questions at the end!


Join me for this workshop and receive (for FREE)...

The Texture Timeline™ Starter Guide

Your step by step plan for progressing through textures - on your own terms!

We know it can be scary to move beyond the comfort of purees and into starting solids. What types of foods do you start with, when do you introduce them and how the heck do you serve them!? 

Grab this special bonus when you join me for the workshop and use this starter guide version of the Texture Timeline™ to discover the 4 phases, so you can gradually and safely expose your baby to a greater variety of textures to help develop eating skills and prevent picky eating. Whether you’re using finger foods, or purées/mashed foods, the key here is to progress and advance to the next texture in a timely manner. We’ll show you how.

Save your spot now and snag this bonus!

My Little Eater

Hey there!

I’m Edwena

Mama, pediatric dietitian and feeding expert with over 11 years in the field, founder of My Little Eater and creator of The Texture Timeline™.

And I get it.

I started both my boys off with purees and I totally understand the fear of moving on from your comfort zone. Finger foods can be TERRIFYING. 

I also totally see the pressure on social media for parents to be starting their babies off on finger foods from day 1. All in the name of picky eating prevention.

And I’m over it.

You’re unique and your baby is unique and a one-size-fits all approach just isn’t going to cut it. The truth is, you don’t have to choose between purees and baby-led weaning. 

I’ve helped tens of thousands of parents take their feelings of overwhelm, fear and anxiety – and transform it into complete confidence and excitement. And I’ve gotten really good at it through my step-by-step approach and signature method, The Texture Timeline™ 

If you’re ready to stop feeling like you’re “behind” (spoiler alert, you’re NOT behind) and get proven, research-based feeding strategies, evidence based nutrition advice, talk true picky eating prevention and have some mom-to-mom connection, so you can enjoy starting solids and yes, even finger foods, join me for what attendees have called a “life-changing” workshop.

Choose the time that works best for you below!

I cheered on her gags!

full hour of answering questions!

huge steps for my anxiety

you made me feel so calm